Tough Camping Safety Briefing - Drawn to the Wild

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Tough Camping- Safety Briefing

The most important thing is that you and the team you are with return safely from your camping trip!

Camping in the Tough Zone means you are probably a little way away from civilisation so its important you are familiar with the dangers and know how to avoid them so they don't ruin your trip.
    There are numerous hazards over, under and around potential pitches for your tent.
  • Check there are no sharp rocks or sticks on the ground and move them if necessary..
  • Check for overhanging branches that are rotten or could break off and land on your tent.
  • Never pitch your tent close to a water source that could flood
  • Check for nearby slopes with loose rocks that could tumble down onto your tent
  • Stay far away from cliff edges or steep drops
    Make sure you know how to store food, and cook safely when camping.
  • Store food in airtight containers whenever possible to stop attracting insects.
  • Cook away from tents as they can burn easily and ensure smoke and fumes drifts away from open tents.
  • Ensure fire or stoves are well out and cool before moving or leaving unattended.
  • Do not leave food on the floor and bag up leftovers so it doesn’t attract wild animals.
  • Do not forage unless you're absolutely 100% sure you know what you're eating.
    Weather can change quickly and unpredictably- prepare for everything.
  • Ensure your sleeping bag and clothing provide enough warmth.
  • Take enough equipment to provide protection from rain, cold, wind, sun and animals.
  • Beware unstable ground; mud, sand, scree, snow, ice.
  • Put highlight strips on guy lines to make them stand out and not become a trip hazard.
  • Check areas liable to flooding, rock falls, avalanche and other environmental concerns.
    Keep you and your valuables safe and secure when camping.
  • Only take the bare essentials with you when it comes to valuables.
  • Tents offer no sound insulation so be careful if discussing personal issues or talking about your valuables.
  • Protect equipment from water and direct sunshine.
  • Take first aid, rescue, emergency and medical equipment as required and ensure you know how to use it!
Professional Training: Nothing can compare to professional training delivered by qualified trainers who can carefully guide you through how to safely learn and practice the required techniques in a controlled environment.

Medical Advice: Before taking part in a new sport or activity you should consult your doctor or other healthcare worker to identify any potential risks to your wellbeing. This is particularly important if you are pregnant, elderly, suffered previous injuries, suffering from a long term medical condition, or disabled. Whilst these conditions do not preclude you from taking part in most activities, getting advise can help you adapt to suit your individual needs.
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Drawn to the Wild is owned and operated by Random World Productions- A Trading name of A and JE Chalkley
Isle of Wight
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