Get into Extreme Hiking - Drawn to the Wild

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Get into Extreme Zone: - Hiking
Hiking is always easy...but dealing with the environment you are in, and the weight you are carrying can be extreme!

If you are new to hiking, you may want to consider going with some experienced hikers, or practice first on some Tough Zone hiking, but if you are ready for some extreme hiking then preparation is the key!

Before you head out onto the trail, its vital you know, and understand the environment you are heading into; this could be the tundra, mountains, lonely deserts or rocky coasts. Every trail has its own unique problems and pitfalls and its good to research these before you go, ensure you have the correct kit and understand how to deal with whatever that environment can throw at you.

Hiking in the Extreme Zone means being in a remote location in an inhospitable environment. You will need to have all the appropriate kit with you to protect you from the elements, and everything you need to survive and make the journey enjoyable. Appropriate clothing is a must, as is shelter (a tent), navigation equipment, cooking equipment, emergency equipment, water carriers, trekking poles....the list will go on and on. You'll need quite a bit of kit, but also you will need the knowledge of exactly which pieces of kit are vital and which you can leave behind.

Once you have your kit and clothes ready, you can plan a route. Research existing routes, or identify wilderness treks depending on the area you are travelling too. Research other people who have made similar journeys and learn from their experiences.

You should understand you own abilities, and the abilities of your team mates, if appropriate, and create a route that is challenging but achieveable. You must know and understand your own limits and not push yourself too hard.
Person hiking up mountain
Low grade crampons on the snow
Mountains in the desert in the wilderness
Mountains and snow for trekking
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